Best Value Beads Inc is is a very competitive manufacturer and exporter of beads.
Best Value Beads Inc is under professional Western Management.
We believe we offer you the best value for your money that you will find. Our large annual production volume combined with our aggressive pricing strategy means that our prices are not only unbeatable by most but, we believe, are beaten by none. If you find a supplier with lower prices please let us know.
We sell to anyone but our clients are mainly bead wholesale distributors and fashion accessory manufacturers. We advise on the selection of the most effective shipping method and usually assist our clients by arranging shipping for them "at cost" (no profit). We make buying from Asia easy and hassle free.
We combine local artisans` experience with professional Western Management to produce a product that we guarantee to equal or exceed in quality, the recognized standards of our industry. All items are made to order and priced FOB Cebu, Philippines.
Stringent QC procedures ensure that our products are finished to a specification which, despite our low prices, is actually higher than the industry standard. Try us and you will see !
We are justifiably proud of our work and look forward to you and your customers being very pleased with the quality of our shell, coco, bone, horn, nut and wooden beads also.
Please just get in touch if you have any questions.